Vertical Stabilizer
Finished the vertical stabilizer. As the string levels where too inaccurate I fabricated brackets from aluminum angles to hold the digital levels. This also avoided the issue of non-round clecos as the bracket will be clecoed to the holes in the endribs and therefore centered. To make sure the holes are parallel I mounted the brackets against a sheet of aluminum and ensured they are parallel.
Getting the rivets in through the skin was hard and some chase-drilling was needed (Eddie informed me that chase drilling (vs reaming) is done at the factory). Before putting the frame together all ribs were fluted flat and the flanges checked for right angles.
Manual not updated and does not show match-drilling or the removal of the bending tabs.
Vertical stab came out nicely without any twist.
Waiting for tip installation as it requires the rudder to be mounted and I currently have no way to store the hole assembly
This post is from Kurt's Rans 21