Kurt's Rans 21

Trimtab 1

Finished trim tab and it came out straight.

I noticed an uneven gap between elevator and tab and traced it back to 1) a not 100% straight front edge of the tab (no idea how that happened when the tab itself is straight) and 2) a small angle between the two segments of aft spar on the elevator. Skins are not riveted on the elevator so that could be corrected with re-clecoing the top skins.

Installing the hinges I had a mishap: I didn't trim the hinge inside the tab enough and had to drill out some rivets. Unfortunately I didn't get one of them right and caused an "8"-hole. Oversized rived (AAPQ-52) fixed it but I decided to rebuild the trim tab.

Lots of hours spend straightening things out but I will do it again ...

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Elevator Frame Elevator Frame

This post is from Kurt's Rans 21

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Trimtab 2 Trimtab 2