Fuse Jan 4 2025
Coax Cable Runs & Magnetometer
Started running the Coax cables for the different antennas (GPS #1/#2, Com #1, ADSB). Trying to figure out where my Com2 is going to go, unfortunately i haven't cut any holes or mounted any doublers for that yet. Also will need to run coax wire for the VOR/LOC/GS antenna to the vertical stabilizer. Still need to rebuild that first so might wait to determine the full length of cable that is needed for that antenna.
Started playing with the location for the magnetometer. I bought the mount that gets riveted between the j-stiffeners and the 2nd 'frame' in the tailcone. Wondering if proximity to the GPS antennas or battery may be an issue? I have ~ 2 feet to the GPS antennas and 3' to the battery so going to ask around and see if there's any potential issues with that location.