Scott's RV-14 Build

Wingtip Progression

The two wingtips are labor intensive with a lot of trimming, sanding, test fitting, then more trimming and sanding. Messy work.Getting the fit right next to the ailerons and in particular fitting the clear light covers into their recessed mounts is tedious. You really have to ease into the final fit on the light covers bit by bit since it's a complex shape. Adjusting one edge affects the others. Once material is removed it can't be put back. After the wingtips are match drilled and clecoed into position all holes are upsized to #27 then dimpled to accept a #6 screw head. The wingtips are drilled for nutplates (42), all holes are countersunk and nutplates riveted on. The rivets are deliberately underdriven into the relatively soft fiberglass. The left wingtip is nearly done and both clear light covers completed. Now I'm forging ahead on the right wingtip.

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Wing Tips Wing Tips

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