Wingtips Complete
Finished up both wingtips. Needed to install stiffening ribs that fit adjacent the ailerons Careful sanding on both tips yielded a straight, parallel 3/16" gap next to the aileron which was the minimum spec. I deviated from the plans by using all MK-319 pulled rivets instead of just the rearmost 6 rivets per plans. It sped the install up and once filled and painted won't be noticeable. After the rib install, I moved on to the position lights. I again deviated from plans by installing an aluminum doubler on the back side of the fiberglass. The doubler was designed by CAD by my building buddy Craig back in AZ for his RV-14 build. The nutplates allow removal of the light without removing the entire wing tip. The only item left is sanding approximately 1/4" off the back edge of the wingtips to be flush with the ailerons. I'm going to hold off on that part for now. The wings are now completely done, so I can turn my attention back to the fuselage. There are some items to complete before I can finally get the wings mounted.
This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build